


A self-study course for high-achieving females ready to leave the hustle culture behind reclaim your personal power, activate your feminine, and take your schedule back!

Sound familiar?

“gold” Are you a high-achieving female who feels like you’re hustling OUT of alignment? Feeling like you’ve got your “shit together” on the outside and yet feel stressed, overwhelmed and anxious? Ready to soften more into who you really are as a vulnerable authentic leader?

“gold” Are you a feeling stuck in the hustle and go-go-go?  Do you desire to create your schedule based on the things that are most important to you? Tired of finally over-doing and putting yourself on the back burner?

“gold” Are you craving to reconnect more with your feminine side to step into your pleasure, own your confidence, step fully into owning your personal power and receive fully in ALL areas of your life. 

“gold” Wanting to align your personal and/or business life with your Core Values and making time for yourself mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually? Maybe you’re not sure what your next career steps look like now and you want to align your values to your next steps.

“gold” Are you feeling stuck in your masculine (hustle) energy and wanting to learn EXACTLY how to lean into your feminine energy AND still be impactful? We ALL have a masculine and feminine side and you’ll find balance in what works for your life.

“gold” Do you feel like you’ve been giving your power away and want to learn ways to take your power back with ease, action and still be heart-centered?

“gold” Are you craving to reconnect with your body, sensuality and activate your pleasure and joy? To live life more harmoniously full of more calm and joy? 

As you read this, do you find yourself thinking, This sounds like a dream and exactly what I’m wanting, craving and desiring…?

I created this course for you to:

 Identify how you can harmonize your masculine (hustle) and feminine (soften) energy so you can fall in love with your life and career/business and make sure self-care, pleasure, joy and your feminine essence a priority. 

 Take your schedule back by calculating where you’re over-giving, Learn how to create more time (yes, it’s possible).

 Learn what your UNIQUE Core Values to recognize when something is in and or out of alignment with your soul-aligned path. Being only partly aware of your highest values can cause you to overlook many of life’s opportunities while blocking you from full access to the best life, love, business and relationships!

 See where to start setting boundaries for yourself and others, so you can conquer more in business, spend more time with those you love, and make your pleasure a priority. 

 Get crystal clear on how you’re giving your power away in life and business emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. 

 Start embodying radical self-love and confidence. It is an acceptance of yourself no matter where you are at in your journey. The more confident you are your whole world will shift around you in your leadership, health, yourself, and relationships.

 Help you reconnect with your sensuality and pleasure. Sensuality is the act of being present, with your senses and becoming turned on by being yourself in every way! 

 Reconnect to your sexuality to find inspiration for self-pleasure in ways you never have before and have better sex, vulnerability and intimacy with a partner! Your wild woman side is needed to embrace you pleasure, nourishment and create LESS anxiety in life!

 Give you specific tools and transformational practices to bust through your limiting beliefs, claim your power, voice, body, leadership and start taking your life and business back YOUR way! Being impactful in your business and making yourself a priority as the queen you are!


“I have done lots of personal growth work, hired coaches. Not until working with DesiRae did I start to really peel back the layers and do the deepest work. She is the person I’ve been looking for all these years to guide me and lovingly push me! I have found my own inner voice, authentic confidence and learned to listen to myself and my heart more than overthink and don’t try and control everything. I now go with the flow more and I feel into the choices I make and seek the answers within. Not “should-ing” anymore feels really good and working with her will be so worth the journey!”

Jaci Boggs, Sr. Veterinarian

“Through doing this work I was able to lean into my power and embrace my feminine power! I have learned ways to balance my feminine energy and I feel empowered to make decisions that make me happy. I am so much lighter, more energized, open to new possibilities, and more focused. I created values driven action plan to create balance and I finally trust and love myself; this balance and love allows me to now speak my voice and know myself as a confident leader. This work has spilled over into daily life, business, and personal relationships. I cannot even begin to express what a valuable shift this has made for me!.”

Christine Winebrenner Irick, Business Owner

“During DesiRae’s course I have been able to step into the role of entrepreneurial badass! I have figured out what I need, how to create a business that fuels my soul instead of depleting it, and how to not be sorry about a damn thing. I’ve gotten really clear about what I want and know that I deserve it! This course has helped me gain my inner confidence to become more visible and create an aligned business, not just one that makes money. I’m on my way thanks to DesiRae!”

Holly Amarandei, Business Owner




“gold” Learn how you are out of harmony with your masculine (hustle) and feminine (flow) energies and ways you can love and embrace them all with ease! So you can create more ease, flow and start receiving like the queen you are!

“gold” How you’re giving your power away emotionally, physically and intellectually and how to take your power back in your own authentic way!

“gold” Stop the burn out and anxiety by taking your schedule back. You’ll get crystal clear where you are wasting time, creating a schedule that works with your energy and create more hell yes’s in your life!

“gold” Learn what your UNIQUE Core Values are to create alignment in your life and business. So you can recognize when something is in and or out of alignment and align your life and business to achieve the inspired and fulfilling life you’ve dreamed.

    MODULE 2:



    “gold” People feel more connected and inspired by leaders who embody confidence, show vulnerability, truth, humanity, and spirit. Learn how to embody your authentic confidence and start to honor your pleasure, self-care and having self-acceptance. 

    “gold” Learn how to make self-love a reality. You’ll learn where your current limiting beliefs are so you can bust through them. Making Self-Love A Reality & Falling Madly in Love with All of You!

    “gold” Learn to fall in love with your body whether you have extra cushion for the pushing or six-pack abs. You’ll create a new body story no matter where you are in your body story. True confidence comes from loving ALL of you. 

    “gold” Learn tools and practices for daily self-love, body-love and sensual daily practices. 

    MODULE 3:



     “gold” Learn how to activate and embody your sensual, spiritual and feminine self. Learn ways to activate pleasure to have it pulse through your business, body, intimate relationships and your life.

    “gold” Learn to let go and release false beliefs about self, sexuality and what others think. Learn what empowered action to take in your life for embodying the confidence, feminine, empowered, sexual women you are. Reconnect to your sexuality to find inspiration for self-pleasure in ways you never have before and have better sex, vulnerability and intimacy with a partner!

    “gold” Learn tools and practices for daily sensual and intimate practices to activate your sensuality and feel more connected to yourself, your body and to your partner. 

    “gold” Learn to let out your inner rebel out to play! ! Sometimes you just want to be bad or naughty. You’ll learn to create more fun, confidence and sassy-ness in your life!


    BONUS #1: Transform your money mindset, take control of your financial destiny and keep the financial abundance you deserve.

    BONUS #2: Get my customized meditations to meet your higher self, chakra clearing and personal power meditations. Also learn how to start a simple meditation practice and get journal prompts. 

    BONUS #3: Get access to my 8-page Self-Care Workbook and learn how to make YOU a priority. You’ll also learn 55 different ways to treat yourself to sensual and nourishing pleasures. 

    BONUS #4: Get access my 26-page Chakra Activating Workbook! This is the same guide my private clients get! These are the exact practices I used to clear my energetic and emotional blocks keeping me stuck preventing me from having the soul-aligned life and business I desired! These practices helped me become a vibrational match to activate my confidence, personal power, express myself authentically, call in my soul-mate fiancee, reconnect to my sensuality, higher “Queen” self and create a soul-aligned business!


     “I was wanting to create an overall state of well-being for myself, my personal life, and my business. I now have so much more clarity, calmness in my life, and I can recognize my stressors when they come up. I’m able to give myself what I need when things feel out of alignment. I lead my life now much more balanced, at ease and harmonious. I understand what my core values are and how I need to hold myself true to those and make them a priority. I’m happier with who I am and most importantly I prioritize who I am and what I need to be a business woman, mother, and a loving wife for my husband. I have been able to live my life calmer and with more clarity.

    Brooke Davis, Business Owner

    Ready to become powerful & feminine?



     You’ll have LIFETIME access to this course as long as it’s alive in the world and… 


    “gold” 16 + video trainings, activations, guides, transformational practices

    “gold” Workbooks to accompany each module with writing prompts and activations to implement and embody each step of the way. No matter how busy you are!

    “gold” Each module you’ll take actionable steps towards creating more harmony, ease, pleasure, confidence in your schedule, self, life, business and more!


    I’m an intuitive, lover of transformation, DEEP conversations and I’m here to change women’s lives  – at a SOUL level.

    I was in corporate America for 14 years feeling burned out, stuck in the hustle and disconnected from my personal power, higher self and feminine side. After my parent’s tragic accident in 2012 I decided to rise to the occasion of my life and face everything I had been avoiding around my confidence, giving my power way, my insecurities, and fully step into becoming POWERFUL and FEMININE!

    I started my own business in 2016 to help other successful high-achieving women create the same. I’m a certified transformational coach and combine my 15 years of experience and education in Psychology, Holistic Health with Eastern Medicine Modalities like energy work, breath work, meditation, and more.

    I help women transform their fears and limiting beliefs on an energetic and subconscious level to embody who they were born to be at a soul-level. Helping them reconnect with their intuition and higher selves beneath the “stories” and limiting beliefs that are keeping them stuck and not moving forward.

    My purpose is to peel back the layers of who you truly are with action, grit, laughter, and emotional  connection! To get REAL AF to hold you to a higher standard.

    Through this course, I will teach you how to take your schedule, power and feminine  pleasure back. So you can become powerful and feminine! Connecting you from your heart to your  yoni,  and soul!

    it’s time to become powerful & feminine…

     If you’re a female leader who’s been feeling stressed out building your business or career. You’re working 24/7, and don’t have time for yourself or relationships. You feel disconnected from your feminine flow (less hustle), sensual body and confidence. You don’t know how to tap into your feminine as easily because you are stuck in the hustle and being in your masculine.

    You want to lead from a heart-centered space, own you authenticity, grow your confidence, and sensuality so you can become magnetic, creating impact as a leader and woman.

    If you’re ready to TURN ON your life, full of authentic self-expression, magic, sensuality, flow and empowerment.

    If you’re ready to take your power and schedule back, fall madly in love with yourself and connect with herself on a DEEPER level again…

    You can be Powerful & Feminine!

    .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

    This is your call to go on an adventure to yourself. This course will radically shift your relationship with yourself. Once you take back your power, embody your confidence and reconnect to your feminine pleasure, there is no stopping you.

    Don’t wait for an inspired and aligned life to happen. Don’t let fear or discomfort take over your mind. Your mind wants to live in comfort and not change.

    Don’t keep avoiding things and think something will finally click on your own. For the sake of your future, your vision, your life, your heart and your pleasure… STOP trying to do it all on your own.

    The women who make it all the way up are the ones who take action NOW!

    End of story.


    BONUS #1: Transform your money mindset, take control of your financial destiny and keep the financial abundance you deserve.

    BONUS #2: Get my customized meditations to meet your higher self, chakra clearing and personal power meditations. Also learn how to start a simple meditation practice and get journal prompts. 

    BONUS #3: Get access to my 8-page Self-Care Workbook and learn how to make YOU a priority. You’ll also learn 55 different ways to treat yourself to sensual and nourishing pleasures. 

    BONUS #4: Get access my 26-page Chakra Activating Workbook! This is the same guide my private clients get! These are the exact practices I used to clear my energetic and emotional blocks keeping me stuck preventing me from having the soul-aligned life and business I desired! These practices helped me become a vibrational match to activate my confidence, personal power, express myself authentically, call in my soul-mate fiancee, reconnect to my sensuality, higher “Queen” self and create a soul-aligned business!

    Ready to become powerful & feminine?



    What are your payment options?

    You can pay in full at the links above to get instant access, or there are payment options by clicking the links above.

    How much time do I have to commit to this every week?

    This is a self-paced course, so you have as much time as you’d like to complete. Online modules and accompanying worksheets will average two to three hours a week. The program can be done during the week when it fits your schedule. I created this course to make it easy and effective as possible while you do life and business. You can access the modules whenever your schedule allows. 

    Will I have access to coaching with DesiRae?

    This is a self-paced course, and there is no coaching calls available with DesiRae. If you would like to learn more about working with DesiRae, CLICK HERE to learn about her 1:1 mentorship, masterminds, or retreats. Or, you can email her at

    Do you offer refunds?

    No, we do not. Please read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy at the bottom of this page for more details. 

    What makes this course different?

    This courses and programs comprises everything DesiRae has learned from over 15 years of self-study, her education in Psychology, Human Behavior, Holistic Health, Alternative Medicine, mindfulness, trainings, certifications, and mentorship. This is a small way and investment to get a taste of what it’s like to work with DesiRae. 

    If you have any additional questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to email