Stop for a moment and breathe. There’s so many posts, pins, blogs, podcasts and things to read and distract ourselves with. I want you to get really intentional and FEEL into what I am about to share with you.

Look around at the life you are creating, what you are focusing on, the decisions you are making and the actions you are choosing – are you happy and certain that they are in alignment with what your soul truly desires?

Go through your relationships, dating or intimate partnerships, and your business.

Do your daily choices and actions contribute to you making your moment in history and stepping into the future version of yourself? 

Do they call to your soul and the fire within your being to create a life you are wildly passionate about?

Are they what you are going to look back on and be proud of getting you closer to your dreams and desires?

Are your daily actions moving you towards your alignment or hustling away from it?

If you said no → it is time to shed what is holding you back.

What is keeping you away from and resisting your purpose, your passion, your personal power, your voice, and your message?

Why, in any area, are you choosing anything other than a completely aligned extraordinary life?

Everything has a ripple effect and a reason.

Every little choice.

Every little action.

Every little decision.

Every little consequence have a genesis.

Nothing ever happens just because [this is something I struggled with for years to understand “why” even after my parents tragic accident in 2012]. 

We are each responsible and we each choose the vast majority of what happens in our lives.

Life happens for us, not to us.

The truth?

You know what is right when you just stop and listen. Yet you are not following your soul’s desire in whatever area of your life for a specific intended reason.

It’s time to WAKE UP.


– xEven if everyone remains sleeping around you. Despite what others views are about who you are and what you are doing.

→ Maybe you don’t work out because deep down you fear being fit and beautiful because of being shamed for being attractive when you were little. Maybe you ultimately only felt safe when you covered up or destroyed your natural beauty.

I once had a client share that one of her limiting beliefs growing up was “I could be smart or beautiful, but I couldn’t be both”.

→ Maybe you don’t take care of yourself because you’re working all the time hustling, doing for others and at the end of the day there’s nothing left to give — let alone to yourself. So you think what’s the point of loving, nourishing or treating yourself to feminine routines and pleasures?

→ Maybe you choose not to take control of your finances and clear your money blocks because it feels too masculine a role and because if you worked out your money issues, you wouldn’t have anything to blame when things go wrong.

→ Maybe you’re making $$$ but you’re over-spending and burning a hole in your pocket. Not sure why, or how it’s happening and you keep avoiding looking into the why behind the overspend.

→ Maybe you don’t own your power and face your truth or unleash your art because you are still trying to live up to other people’s impressions and perceptions of you.

If you actually look deep inside and accept that everything happens for a reason and that we often choose into that – you will generally find the reason why you are CHOOSING not to act in alignment either consciously or subconsciously.

Are you ready to start hustling TOWARDS alignment? Creating the impact, passion and going after your dreams. Having it all financially AND creating a life and business that turns you soul on in self, wealth, relationships and sex?

If you said, “Hell Yes!” I’d love to hop on a Complimentary Activation Call with you to learn more. It’s a fun, easy breezy call to learn if any of my programs or courses are an energetic fit. Click here to schedule now (spots are limited).  

Or, if you’re looking for a more self-paced route I offer my Turned On Feminine Leader Program. A self-paced transformational course for females to stop hustling out of alignment and TURN ON their soul through feminine power, sensuality and intuition. So you can create a soul-aligned life. This is the exact program I take my 1:1 clients through at a fraction of the investment. 

Click HERE to learn more. 

Don’t wait for an inspired and aligned life to happen. Don’t let fear or discomfort take over your mind. 

Don’t keep avoiding things and think something will finally click on your own. For the sake of your future, your vision, your life, your heart and your soul…STOP trying to do it all on your own. 

XO – DesiRae