Inside The Turned On Feminine Leader self-study course… 

This is a self-study experience is the same EXACT program my 1:1 clients and group program clients go through.

This course will guide you DEEP into yourself and give you the transformational tools, strategies, and structure to transform yourself and your life from the inside out. This is NOT a surface level program.

You will receive the content, tools, training, and results you’ve been wanting to have in your life for years. You will radically transform your self, business, relationships, and sensuality –-> for life.

You’ll learn the foundation for creating and attracting a soul-aligned life and business through energetic healing, intuition, and embodiment.

So you can stop the hustle and turn on your feminine personal power and sensuality to become the empowered badass feminine woman and leader you were born to be.

This is everything you always wished you have to help create impact and authority in business and have authentic expressionjoy, pleasure and live a life you’re obsessed with!

If you’re a high-achieving, impact-driven female leader who’s building her business or corporate career and you want to have it all financially, make more money, fall in love with yourself, your body and a partner —  all while having more impact and a life that turns your soul, heart, and hips on in every way.


What Women Are Saying…

“Through this program I learned to listen to myself and my heart more than overthink things and try to control everything. I go with the flow more and I feel into the choices I make and seek the answers within. Not “should-ing” anymore feels really good. I learned to honor myself first, and align with what matters most.  I got centered on my core values, and let go of harmful beliefs. I rediscovered and reinvented who I AM! Now, I have the mindset to live my best life…filled with JOY and sass. It was so worth the journey!””

Jaci Boggs, Sr. Veterinarian

“During DesiRae’s Turned On Feminine Leader course I have been able to step into the role of entrepreneurial badass! I have figured out what I need, how to create a business that fuels my soul instead of depleting it, and how to not be sorry about a damn thing. I’ve gotten really clear about what I want and know that I deserve it! This course has helped me gain my inner confidence to become more visible and create an aligned business, not just one that makes money. I’m on my way thanks to DesiRae!”

Holly Amarandei, Business Owner

“This program has given me the tools to lean into my power and embrace my feminine power! I have learned ways to balance my feminine energy and I feel empowered to make decisions that make me happy. I am so much lighter, more energized, open to new possibilities, and more focused. This work has spilled over into daily life, business, and personal relationships. I cannot even begin to express what a valuable shift this has made for me!.”

Christine Winebrenner Irick, Business Owner

 “I was wanting to create an overall state of well-being for myself, my personal life, and my business. I now have so much more clarity, calmness in my life, and I can recognize my stressors when they come up. I’m able to give myself what I need when things feel out of alignment. lead my life now much more balanced, at ease and harmonious. I’m happier with who I am and most importantly I prioritize who I am and what I need to be a business woman, mother, and a loving wife for my husband. I have been able to live my life calmer and with more clarity.”

Brooke Davis, Business Owner

How the Turned On Feminine Leader Self-Study Course Works 

As soon as you enroll you will receive instant access to all training modules, videos, guides and more in the program so you can start taking soul-aligned action in your life. 

You’ll get your own username and password where all the course materials are held privately online.

There’s no expiration date or deadline to go through the course, as long as the course is alive in the world, you’ll have unlimited access!

The 7 Core Pillars of Your Turned On Life & Biz

Within this self-study program, you’ll learn exactly how to heal, embody and manifest in these 7 Core Elements of your life and business.



 Releasing Your Stories + Limiting Beliefs

9 + videos and guides and workbooks

By the end of this module, you will have the clarity you need to move forward confidently having healing your old childhood wounds and burned any past limiting beliefs that may have kept you stuck in the past so you can fully step into owning yourself, your confidence, and your sensuality without shame or anxiety. We’ll dig into the main topics and limiting beliefs around your confidence, body, money, business, feminine, and relationships. So you can step back into a place of fun and lightheartedness to create an epic change in your life to rewire your subconscious to accept a new you that you’ll create within the program. New beliefs, new you!

 Higher Self Embodiment + Intuition

8 + videos and guides and workbooks

This is where the spiritual soul magic truly starts in the program. Learn how to listen to your intuition and trust yourself and your decisions with confidence by taking back your power in both your feminine energy and your personal power. You’ll learn how to create core values that support your deeper desires for more wealth, confidence, and powerful passionate relationships. You’ll also learn how to diagnose the blocked energy of your life and business using Traditional Chinese Medicine and chakra balancing work. So you can embody your higher self faster. We’ll also dive into how to better understand your intuition and cover the many extrasensory ways you individually receive intuitive guidance. 

Powerful + Feminine

6 + videos and guides and workbooks

  Stop feeling like a fraud and learn to step into your feminine power by owning and sharing your voice with clarity, and assertion to create emotional bliss and vulnerable, authentic, fulfilling relationships. You’ll learn how to invoke and embody your soul’s true purpose. Now that you understand how to embody your feminine power you’ll learn how to balance your dual energies by stepping out of the masculine and more into your feminine. Instead of feeling like you’re constantly stuck in hustle mode burning out you’ll feel more freedom, ease, and calm so you can continue to up-level and create the abundance in life and business you desire. You’ll also learn how to set better personal boundaries, bust through money mindset beliefs, time management, and own your feminine strengths in life and business while creating a schedule that works with your energy + is super efficient.

Embodied Confidence

12 + videos and guides and workbooks

Activate Your Body + Confidence: Heal your disempowering beliefs about your body to create a new body story. One that lets you fully embody confidence, stop playing small, and radically love your body, no matter what stage of life. You’ll create a self-care, sensual and fun-naughty list to connect with your higher-self to create a life that fuels you amongst the hustle. A life that attracts relationships that love you deeply, create more fun and laughter, so you can wake up every day in love with the woman you see in the mirror.

Activate Your Wild Side: Sensuality, Sexuality + Pleasure 

9 + videos and guides and workbooks

It’s time to release the shame and judgment within your body that’s preventing you from fully loving yourself and stepping into your body. You’ll activate your sensual & wild side by connecting with your heart, hips, and vagina. Activate and heal you sensual and sexual power that affects the way you relate to others, lead others, and how you offer your gifts to the world.  When you are in touch with your sensual essence, you can experience yourself as love, fully express love, light, and fullness in, and out, of the bedroom. You deserve to have better sex and create more intimacy with self and a partner to have a deeply satisfying life.

Soul-Aligned Intimate Relationships

6 + videos and guides and workbooks

Living a life that sets your soul on fire requires you to set higher standards for your relationships. Learn to set better boundaries in your life so that you can feel fully supported, seen, heard and loved to have the affection you deserve and desire. Learn how to feel confident in dating, or ignite more fire in your current relationships by unleashing your inner sexy divine feminine essence to become a high-value woman to attract the high-value man that woos you, loves you, and who will honor every inch of you treating you like the high-value queen you are.

Manifesting a Soul-Aligned Life

2 + videos and guides and workbooks

Only through you embodying your highest self can you manifest. Your energy current must run through the body to activate and manifest in your life.  You’ll bring all the prior modules into this to create tangible results, words, and visualizations to tap into your soul’s deepest desires for life and business. Now that you’ve become aware of your limiting beliefs and released emotional blocks you can now truly manifest the life beyond your wildest dreams! 

What that really looks like is you waking up with clarity and knowing what actions to take in every area of your life. Being madly in love with yourself, your body and a partner. Feeling aligned in your business and know how to evolve and pivot with ease, Create financial abundance and buy the things you truly want in your life. You’ll become crystal clear who you are and where you are headed to manifest exactly what you want. You’ll leave with a have a blueprint, tools, and practices to create your soul-aligned life and business — for life!


“gold” Life time access to the course as long as it’s alive in the world!

“gold” 50 + video trainings, activations, guides, transformational practices total spread through out the 7 Pillars listed above.

“gold” This is a step by step journey as I guide you through creating a soul-aligned life and business. You will know what step and action to take next!

“gold” Workbooks to accompany each module with writing prompts and activations to implement and embody each step of the way. No matter how busy you are!

“gold” Each Pillar and Lesson you’ll take actionable steps towards creating more harmony, ease, pleasure, confidence in your schedule, self, life, business and more!

“gold” Over 18 BONUSES! 


BONUS #1: Transform your money mindset, take control of your financial destiny and keep the financial abundance you deserve.

BONUS #2: Get my customized meditations to meet your higher self, chakra clearing and personal power meditations. Also learn how to start a simple meditation practice and get journal prompts. 

BONUS #3: Get access to my 8-page Self-Care Workbook and learn how to make YOU a priority. You’ll also learn 55 different ways to treat yourself to sensual and nourishing pleasures. 

BONUS #4: Get access my 26-page Chakra Activating Workbook! This is the same guide my private clients get! These are the exact practices I used to clear my energetic and emotional blocks keeping me stuck preventing me from having the soul-aligned life and business I desired! These practices helped me become a vibrational match to activate my confidence, personal power, express myself authentically, call in my soul-mate fiancee, reconnect to my sensuality, higher “Queen” self and create a soul-aligned business!

+ 14 more bonuses! 

Ready to take create your soul-aligned life?

Ready to Turn On Your Life & Business ?

Imagine a Life When You…

Imagine thriving in life and business with ease without the burnouts or breakdowns

You’ve healed shame and self-judgment around your body to fully step into your sensuality so you can have great sex and intimacy with a partner.

Step more into your feminine flow to create more joy, fun, relationships, and self-care.

Embody your confidence, voice, and feminine power so you can step into the world with confidence, ease, and have full self-expression in the world.

Healed money mindset and blocks so you can start creating the financial abundance and freedom you want >> to live a life of ease, expansion, abundance, and freedom.

Create alignment in your relationships so that you give and receive while being seen, heard and loved. 

Learn to love the shit out of yourself so you can keep falling in love with the woman in the mirror every day

It’s empowered women who learn how to start healing from the inside out, not the outside in, who are able to find their inner confidence, divine feminine power, and contagious joy!

It’s time for you to turn on your life, wealth, self and sensuality!

Who is this epic self-study course for?

If you’re a female leader that’s an entrepreneur or in the corporate world who’s been feeling stressed out building your business or career. You’re working 24/7, finally making money, but don’t have time for yourself, love, relationships, and are craving connection. You feel disconnected from your feminine flow, sensual body, confidence, and your intuition. You don’t know how to tap into your feminine as easily because you are stuck in the hustle and being in your masculine.

You want to lead from a heart-centered space, own you authenticity, grow your confidence, express emotionally, and expand your consciousness and sensuality so you can become magnetic, creating massive impact and influence as a leader.

If you’re addicted to all the spiritual empowerment books and strategies, are done playing small, and want to connect with your own intuition, to embody the empowered leader and feminine badass woman you are.

If you’re ready to BURN your limiting beliefs around not being able to build an empire and be a feminine AF woman. If you’re ready to let go of the stress, anxiety, insecurities, scarcity mindset, and ready to fall in love with yourself and a partner.


If you’re ready to TURN ON your life, full of authentic self-expression, magic, sensuality, flow, empowerment, and intuition.

If you’re ready to turn on her life, feminine flow and sensuality, create real relationships and connect with herself on a DEEPER level again…


Ready to take create your soul-aligned life?

What are your payment options?

You can pay in full or there are multiple payment options available by clicking the link above. We’re happy to offer a payment option through PayPal credit, which will give you complete and full access to The Turned On Entrepreneur Mastercourse self-study and all the bonuses. You pay nothing today. You have no payments and zero interest for 6 months. Click here for complete details to apply for PayPal Credit to use to pay for The Turned On Mastercourse self-study payment. If you have more questions about any of this you can email or DM me privately via Facebook or IG. After you’re approved for PayPal Credit you can click this link above and use it to pay! 

How much time do I have to commit to this every week?

Online modules and accompanying worksheets will average one – three hours a week. Each pillar is different based on the content. The program can be done during the week when it fits your schedule. I wanted to make it easy and effective as possible while you do life. You can access the pillars whenever your schedule allows. I highly encourage you to take your time as you go through this course. It takes my clients 3- 5 months to go through things. This is meant to be embodied, and implemented into your daily life. Do not rush this process. have access to review all pillars you’ve completed. Some women will prefer to go through each weeks content in one day, some will prefer breaking it up into multiple days. It’s totally your preference!

Will I have access to individual coaching?

No, this is a self-paced course and there is no coaching calls available with DesiRae. This is 4 month program online course build for my group programs, I turned this into a self-paced course to make it more financially accessible to women. Hundreds of women who can commit to a self-study course have changed their lives following this program, you can too! If you would like to learn more about working with DesiRae CLICK HERE to fill out an application and book a Complimentary Soul Activation Call. Or, you can email her at

Do you offer refunds?

No, we do not. You can view our Terms & Conditions and Policy at the bottom of this page. 

Do I need personal development experience to start this program?

We all have a story and our own journey. Some of us have dived into personal development and self-help for years and others maybe just a few months. No matter where you are at in your journey, you will experience a transformational shift during this program. This is a journey of looking within and tapping into your own intuitive guidance. You are exactly where you are supposed to be in your path and this course will give you the flexibility to begin manifesting whatever your deepest desires are mind, body, and soul. If you are here, it means you are ready to start listening to the whispers of your soul.

What makes this mastermind different?

This mastermind approaches you as a whole being with a 360 approach. We go DEEP to eliminate the stories, thoughts, and patterns that are keeping you stuck.  This course will teach you to listen to your inner intuition and peel back the layers to get to the core of your soul’s deepest wants and desires for your life. You will finally connect the mind and body together to step fully into your power and leadership creating the impact you’re born to create. 

This is not just a surface level program. You will pull back your layers within your vibrational body to get to the root of your desires and create permanent change. It will require you to ask yourself deep questions and take action in your life. But it is developed in a way to access at your own pace as we go and not give you tons of information at once that will make you scream.

This mastermind comprises everything DesiRae has learned from over 15 years of self-study, her education in Psychology, Human Behavior, Chinese Medicine, trainings, certifications, mentorship, and her own spiritual gifts as a Psychic and Intuitive to give women a Holistic Approach to their lives.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to email