Stop Putting Yourself Last to Avoid Disappointing Others
It’s time to take control of your life and who you want to spend it with, instead of letting life take control of you.
In my programs, I talk a lot about speaking your voice and activating your feminine power. One of the many ways I teach that is through setting boundaries.
We often don’t think that setting boundaries is a version of self-care.
Setting boundaries means you have to change the rules and be willing to break old rules and patterns you’d set.
It means you will get push back.
It means you will disappoint people.
It means you might be judged or ridiculed for no longer giving as much when you lean into RECEIVING.
It means you’ll also shift into a new conscious state of BEING by energetically putting out there what you’re no longer willing to accept.
So many women will put themselves last just to avoid hurting or disappointing others.
For example…
👉 If someone has asked you to do something you did not want to do.
👉 Someone has said something that was out of alignment with how you feel or how you’re living your life.
👉 You took on an extra client or project just because you didn’t want them to feel rejected.
👉 You said yes to a friend who said they “really needed you” – when you were exhausted and wanted some down time.
👉 You find yourself giving more than you’re receiving and being sucked by energy vampires in your life.
Everything inside of you might have screamed “No!”.
➡️ Yet, you have found yourself doing it anyway.
I encourage you to stop that NOW and start creating aligned relationships that truly fill you up.
Relationships that are nourishing, healing, loving, intimate, connective, vulnerable, communicative and where you both are evolving individually and together with ease, flow, and soul-alignment.
When you start to practice things like setting boundaries, speaking your voice and changing the game you will let people down.
authenBy starting to put your needs first in your life and business, over others, you may lose some relationships that you thought were important to you.
If you tend to over-give, you’ve trained those in your life to expect it, and they’ll question you when you stop. They might make you feel guilty and try to shame you.
I give you permission to let people down if it means you don’t let YOURSELF down.
People might get upset and you might even lose relationships.
BUT → When we are living a life based on the thought process of our limiting beliefs, and subconscious we are living OUT of alignment.
🔥 When you start doing the inner, deeper work to clear your beliefs around self, wealth, relationships, sex and more — your environment and the world will start to change.
Every year you will evolve in yourself, in your business, in your life, in your relationships and to increase your vibration you will keep letting go of things, people, and bullshit.
Instead of defending yourself, when you know people or things are a Hell No, you need to be honest, direct and resolve to take care of you.
You’re not here to prove yourself to others.
Ready to start speaking your authentic voice and activate your feminine power in life and business?
Check out my Powerful & Feminine Course: A self-study course for females if you are finally ready to leave the OLD world of hustling out of alignment to create your life based on joy, harmony, leaning into your softer feminine side, reclaim your personal power, sensuality and take your schedule back!
Here’s your permission slip to finally say YES to you… we’re in this together!
Click HERE to get more details and payments as low as $50!
Will you choose yourself today or keep waiting for tomorrow?