Let’s go deeper into your relationship with your body. No amount of work, avoidance, or distraction is going to get you closer to accepting the body you have.

Until you create a relationship with yourself and reconnect to who you are that shame and guilt will still be there.

You have the skills to work with your body instead of against it, and those skills are within you waiting to be discovered.

Your body (no matter what your size) just wants to be loved, seen, touched, caressed, and honored. It works hard for you. It holds you, takes care of you, lets you breath, live, touch, laugh, eat, move, and FEEL.

It’s been waiting it’s whole life for you to just love it.

My whole life I struggled with weight. When I was a small child I had a health condition that caused me to gain weight, so I was the ‘fat kid’. Even when I was healthy as an adult I still felt overweight. If we’re being honest, weight was never the issue. Sure, when I was a child, but as an adult it was how I treated my body. The real problem was my lack of self-love and self-acceptance.

When you hate any part of yourself, then nothing is ever good enough. No matter what number is on the scale. Whether your clothes are tight or lose, you have belly rolls or rock hard abs — the issue will never be the weight.

It is much easier to blame your body than to take responsibility for your own insecurities and examine your lack of self-worth.

For me, the negative body thoughts were never about the weight. It was a reflection of my imbalanced thoughts. If I felt unworthy, not pretty, unseen or unloved, my body would turn into my enemy. It was never my body I was battling, it was my mind and how I thought about my body.

Are self-shame, ridicule, and humiliation part of your everyday habits? Do you think you can finally have everything you’ve ever wanted if only you had the body you wanted?

Do you think if you were a certain size everything will fall in place? If you make more money, that you’ll finally make time to take care of it?

Think again.

Until you find self-love and acceptance >> for exactly as you are, nothing will change.

Sure, you can love your body and want to lose weight and take care of it. Though I want you to look in the mirror and say compassionate, kind things to it, ALL the time.

When you do that, you create balance.

Self-love and self-care is about acceptance, and seeing yourself as the gift you are.

Are you self-sabotaging and not taking care of your health, your body, and avoiding things?

What else are you avoiding or sabotaging in your business?

How you do one thing is how you do everything. If you’re sabotaging one place, you are in other places as well.

YToday, I am in love with myself because I respect, love, honor, and appreciate my body. My body helps me live up to my full potential, dance, move, workout, and keeps me alive! I listen to it, and honor what it needs.

If you are struggling to love yourself or your body, you can let go of certain things in order to reach the love you desire. Here’s the thing, like Jennifer Aniston says, “You’re damned if you’re too thin and you’re damned if you’re too heavy. It’s impossible to satisfy everyone and I suggest we stop trying.”

So, let’s just satisfy ourselves and love our bodies the way they want to be loved! ❤️


1. Increase your confidence – Increasing your confidence and self-worth can help you accept ALL your parts.

2. Thank your body – Every morning when you wake up, thank your body. Every night when you go to bed, thank your body.

3. Walk around your home or room naked – Touch every part you do not like and tell those parts you love them. Truly mean it. Stop being mean to yourself when you look in the mirror. You are more beautiful than you can truly see.

4. Set an example with your body image – Your friends, children, lovers, and more SEE how you treat your body. What do you want them to think about how you honor it?

5. Appreciate all the things your body can do!

6. Step off the scale – Be proud of your strong body, and know that muscle weighs more than fat. Really? Yes, really. Stop letting the scale steal your happiness and be the gauge of your self-worth.

7. Realize that fitness is not about skinny jeans or skinny-girl stereotypes – We have grown up with magazines, the radio, and TV telling us to look a certain way. You are not one size fits all + that is OK!

8. Accept your body type – Thin, tall, big butt, big boobs, belly, hips, long legs, strong thighs? Accept what your momma gave you! If you want to be healthier, then take action to change it, but don’t shame yourself.

9. Stop judging yourself by what you can’t do, instead celebrate what you can –  Don’t be so hard on yourself. The limitation is in your mind. Start saying “I can” and watch how your life transforms.

10. Stop thinking you don’t matter because of the size your body – Life is far too hard as it is without you being at war with yourself. When we get the inside right, the outside will fall into place.

Your life is happening now. You can choose to hate yourself or love yourself.

Choose love. ❤️

P.S. Check out my mini self-study course Powerful & Feminine Course: A self-study course for females if you are finally ready to leave the OLD world of hustling out of alignment to create your life based on joy, harmony, leaning into your softer feminine side, reclaim your personal power, sensuality and take your schedule back! Here’s your permission slip to finally say YES to you… we’re in this together!

Click HERE to get more details.

XO – DesiRae