Why Self-Sabotage Breeds In-Action

When your behavior doesn’t match up with your aligned vision you create more self-sabotaging beliefs. Those self-sabotaging beliefs breed even more in-action

Although you’re pretending you’re alright and on-track towards the life you want –> on the inside you feel like you’re going crazy because of what you say you want and what actions you are actually taking.

You’re contradicting yourself — and internally you’re building more stress, more self-doubt and more reasons for your ego to convince you you’re wrong.

This is how it can show up in your life:

You say you want to step more into your confidence, feminine power, heal your limiting beliefs and stories and someone invites you to do just that…

Yet you feel nervous, maybe scared and some resistance because you’re not sure you trust yourself to make it work or to show up. So you self-sabotage and convince yourself this is true.

—> This breeds more in-action and staying stuck <—

It can show up in all parts of your life, self, business, in relationships, in your finances, in your intimate partnerships.

You do it to protect yourself except it backfires because not only do you feel crappy in your gut you also don’t get what you really want.

Everybody does this in their lives at some point, but don’t feed the shame or self-judgment.

Learn from it.

Here are 4 specific things you can do to move through the self-sabotage and into ALIGNED ACTION again:

1. Get real with yourself. Really ask yourself if you’re getting in your own way and what you’re afraid of. I love to ask my clients, “If (insert limiting belief) really happened, what is the worse that would happen?” Go there — it’s often not as scary or life-threatening as we perceive. It’s your ego and conscious self keeping you safe. Recognize it, honor it and learn from it.

2. Write out what you really want. If your limiting beliefs and fears were no longer present, what actions would you really take? Remind yourself of what you want.

3. Discover what obstacles might be in your way. What is in the way of you being able to accomplish those desires? Write them out. Create a plan to de-clutter piece by piece.

4. If you find you can’t solve all of this on your own where can you find a solution? Do you need to ask someone for help? Hire someone? Delegate? What action do you need to take to move through the obstacles to get to the solution faster?

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Don’t stay in the cycle–self-sabotage breeds in-action, and action breeds success.

Stop taking in-action and get yourself in check. Often times we are the only ones in our own way. 😉

Your next move might feel scary or like you might die if you do it, i.e. speaking your voice, taking crazy soul-aligned action–but it probably won’t kill you. It simply feels that way because you haven’t taken aligned action for a while, if ever.

🔥Show up.
🔥Take action.
🔥Do the work.
🔥Receive support.
🔥Go ALL in.

This is your life.

Let’s do this. 

Are you a hustling female leader who’s feeling burned out, tunnel visioned and disconnected from yourself, life and relationships? Ready to stop the hustle, still be impactful and reconnect to your feminine power, sensuality and higher self? 

Schedule a Complimentary Activation Session today and we can see if one of my programs or courses is a yummy energetic fit for you! Click HERE to schedule now (spots fill up fast).

You deserve to have it all!