You know that moment when you have self-shame, guilt, self-loathing and your personal walls go up?

The self-doubt kicks in and whispers in your ear…

“Who am I to have all this or to [insert self-doubt of something you’re accomplishing].”

“Can I really create impact, go after my dreams in business AND have an amazing soul-aligned relationship?”

“Can I have it all financially and still be a good person and love myself?”

“What if I say ______, and I’m judged, rejected, or look like an idiot?”

Self-doubt, negative self-talk, and self-sabotage are you being pushed to your edge.

This is a beautiful moment.

This is the moment where your ACTION or REACTION takes over.

ALIGNED-ACTION → Creating change that is in alignment with your higher self, your evolution and what you KNOW to be your truth to do. Even if it’s uncomfortable. Coming from an abundance mindset that you can have and create anything you want and desire.

REACTION → Living from ego, and coming from a scarcity mindset. Forgetting to trust your higher self and that you are FULLY supported, seen, heard and loved. Reacting instead of aligning towards your truth.

You get to stay where you are — OR — you get to evolve into something greater.

These moments are opportunities for you to push through the B.S. in your mind. To do something so radical and evolutionary that it will shift your life.

It’s a moment that will either help a pattern keep repeating or stop a pattern in its tracks. If you give yourself the opportunity to do something different and fully see the beauty in it, it truly can set you free.

To step into your higher-self and increase your vibration it requires you to surrender, lean in, listen, expand and take new action.

iWhen self-sabotage comes knocking, here’s what to do:

1. Remind yourself this is a normal part of being human. The great part is you get to tap into source and your divine light to step more into love. To choose your alignment every day.

2. Create loving language towards yourself. Speak to yourself as if you were speaking to someone you love. What a concept, right? Hold space for yourself, do something self-care related or just stop and say, “I love you, you’re scared, it’s ok.”

3. Kick fear in the face. Fear is a b*tch, but fear is also there to challenge you to see if it’s worth it. How bad do you want that thing you’re after? Can you go after it with love, grit and badassery? Kick that jerk fear in the face and walk over him to take what you want.

4. Lean In. When you feel triggered, scared, question yourself and have doubts, lean into it. What is really going on? What’s the worst that could happen and what is deeply rooted in the doubt and sabotage? Check in with yourself and see what needs to be seen within you. Don’t keep pushing your emotions aside and not facing what can be healed.

You are enough,


P.S. Check out my Chakra Healing Workbook with Meditations that will activate and inspire a connection to your highest self. It covers tools, practices, journal prompts, actions and embodiment practices for each of the 7 Main Chakras.