A Love Note on Fully Owning Your Feminine Power

I was being interviewed last week as a speaker about the deep transformational coaching work that I do. One of the questions asked of me was “What is it like for a woman to fully own their feminine power, sensuality and self?”

I paused for a moment and leaned into the pain and discomfort that comes for so many women I know, meet and coach.

So often we have built layers and layers of disconnection and detachment from ourselves, our bodies and our emotions that we forget who we are inside. Instead of thinking that we own our bodies we detach from them and treat them as if they are not ours.

We look at our bodies and touch them like they are a piece of clothing to take on and off. One day you love what you see in the mirror, the next you want to donate a piece of you because it’s no longer a part you want to keep.

But you can’t.

There is so much turmoil, hate, pain, shame, guilt, judgement, and sometimes even trauma that comes with this detachment. The more we build on those layers the easier it seems but when you look at yourself in the mirror you don’t recognize who you are. Like clothes you no longer love you wish you could replace parts of you like new.

But you can’t.

You want to wake up every day without those walls keeping you safe and yet keep them high and thick enough you can scream inside when the fear, pain, frustration, and limiting beliefs pop up again.

So let’s get to the deeper desires of what’s beneath those layers of hustle, exhaustion, over-giving, and feelings of disconnection.


The desire to be touched, to be valued, and loved.

The desire to feel fully seen, heard, and admired.

The desire to just look at yourself in the mirror and know yourself so deeply and love with who’s looking back.

The most important relationship you will even have is the relationship with yourself.

It’s time to love the shit out of her.

I want you to peel those layers back and be so unapologetically you, and so strong in who you are that you take your own breath away.

Fully owning your feminine power, sensuality and self really is not about A N Y O N E else.

It’s about you finally learning to love A L L of you.

❤️The scars.
❤️The wrinkles.
❤️That beautiful ass of yours.
❤️The way your clothes feel against your skin, and how it brushes up against your breasts.
❤️The way you taste food and are in awe of a sunrise.
❤️The way you are so passionate about something it’s second nature.
❤️…and yes, even loving the shame, judgements, and limiting beliefs.

Fully owning your feminine power, sensuality and self doesn’t make you weak.

It actually makes you more powerful and unstoppable.

You’re welcome. 

Tired of hustling out of alignment, feeling burned out, and disconnected from your feminine fire? I invite you to stop playing small, activate your feminine power and TURN ON your soul in life and business with me.

Check out my self-paced courses with payments as low as $50 a month.

My Powerful & Feminine Course: A self-study course for females if you are finally ready to leave the OLD world of hustling out of alignment to create your life based on joy, harmony, leaning into your softer feminine side, reclaim your personal power, sensuality and take your schedule back! Here’s your permission slip to finally say YES to you… we’re in this together!

Click HERE to get more details.

Or for a more intimate deep transformational program I offer 1:1 mentorships. Schedule a Complimentary Activation Session today and we can see if one of my programs or courses is a yummy energetic fit for you! Click HERE to schedule now (spots fill up fast).

You deserve to have a life you’re wildly obsessed with!


XO DesiRae